Monday, May 08, 2006

The Road to Hell is Paved with Best Intentions

Enshrined with good intentions
Man is on a constant search

The Christians pray
The Buddhists hope
The Muslims suffer
The Jews lament
The Pagans worship
The Agnostics wonder
The Atheists tempt

Religion, in all its facets
Has cut the skin of humanity
Tortured and bleeding
Society slowly dies

Within the searching
Justification is found
And arrogance, hate, contempt, and evil
Feed on it

Enshrined with good intentions
And cloaked in justification
Commits suicide

(Question: Has Religion done more good or bad for the advancement of mankind?)


At May 8, 2006 at 3:10 PM, Blogger Kevin Beck said...

Great post, Buford. Religion (including secular religion) has often been the source of great hatred rather than producing love, and healing.


At May 11, 2006 at 12:12 PM, Blogger isaiah said...

"Is not Nature rightly read, that of which she is commonly taken to be the symbol merely?"

At December 9, 2006 at 4:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

None of the groups you mentioned can be universally blamed or exonerated. All are home to both Religion and Faith. "Religion", from the French 'religer': to reattach, is man's effort to restore broken relationships by following certain rules or mouthing certain sayings or following certain rituals. Whether God or another god is invoked, it is doomed to fail because Man (including woMan) is not capable of saving Himself. "Faith", on the other hand, is the performance of one's rightful duty to another with whom s/he shares a particular relationship. To a Christian, that duty is to Love God completely and to Love one's neighbor as oneself. This is not religion but faith. It also does no harm.


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