Thursday, November 17, 2005

Drowning Into Life

I see the light, fractured and bent
As it pierces down from the surface
The surface, far above me
Oscillating with life’s unseen flow

Still the light is so far away
Seemingly, as unattainable, as the stars

I jumped through the surface
Of my own accord
I jumped and was immersed

Panicked for breath
Panicked for survival
I raged in frustration

I struggled to reach the light
Thrashing and grasping
For a safety line

Finding only an ethereal strand

I became angry
And lost control
I became defeated
And began to sink

I prepared for my last defeated breath
And glared towards the surface
And realized
I could breath……………………..


At November 21, 2005 at 10:39 AM, Blogger isaiah said...

This poem reminds me of a meditation technique in which one imagines one’s self as a pebble, dropped into tumultuous waters. At the surface the waves and currents toss us about, but as we drop further in the water the currents and effects gradually give way to the motion of dropping away, stillness, and silence. We are far below the surface, safe and falling into the deep… where wind, tide, current, and wave no longer affect us.

Your poem shows a maturity and realization that only comes about by way of direct experience. Yes, we are told what we should and shouldn’t do, be, how to act, what to expect, which way is up, what is right and wrong, but the only way to evolve and grow is through experiencing.

When we come to the great realization that “we can breath”, that deep within us there is a sustaining current, the same current connecting us with all things, we surely must wonder how marvelously and divinely created and composed we are- that beneath all our thinking (I can’t breathe!) life finds a way to emerge spontaneously through us.

“We are more than we think we are.”


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