The power to tempt
Temptation unlike opportunity will always give you a second chance.
Writing has always been a way for me to explain the things in life that are complex to understand or accept.(The good and the bad)Writing is a way to justify ourplace in this life. Writing is a way to express ourselves in ways not typical of who we think we are.My hope, is that any who read my writings will find something to carry with them as they travel "Lost in real life."
Players start with 8 random facts about themselves. Those who are tagged should post these rules and their 8 random facts. Players should tag 8 other people and notify them that they have been tagged.So here are 8 random facts about yours truly:
1.I take pictures of my feet when I visit somewhere new or if my feet are in or near something disgusting or interesting.
2.I don’t believe in a divine being/”god”
3.being on rivers and/or trails occasionally moves me to tears
4.I love sleeping on cool sand around a driftwood fire (even though you get the occasional bug bite)
5.My second marriage is much better than my first
6.My son has slowly become my most trusted companion and counterpart
7.I have four webbed toes two on each foot
8.I sometimes fantasize about having my own harem