Thursday, December 30, 2004

We all wait in nature

The first time I recognized myself.

The sun hung gigantic in the sky, leaves stired in the chilled spring breeze. While shrill cries of love and hate resounded from the numerous birds.

The first time I ascertained myself.

The sun was filtering through the dense canopy, sewing a patchwork of distorted shapes on the forest floor. While tiny insects appeared and disappeared through the columns of shafted light.

The first time I happened upon myself.

A grasshopper cocked its wings and flew, noisily, from one stalk to another. A bee hovered over a glistening red flower. A small frog vaulted franticly, into a shallow gurgling stream. The cloying sounds and smells of nature floated through out my world.

That was when I finally met myself.

Waiting relaxed and content,
in the arms of Mother Nature.

(Written at age 14 and age 32.)