Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Falling Backwards (By Buford)

Falling Backwards
(out of youth)

Oh what a day!
Long ago.

Sun, Wind, Water, Time.

“I would go,”
I utter under my breath.

Once when worry was limited by youthful bliss.

Once when fear was held at bay by delusions of granger.

“I would go.”
I say louder and more pronounced.

Yet my character hears and screams,

It pulls in both directions.

Like tug-of-war,
back and forth
side to side.

Or maybe.

Like tic-tac-toe
I can only win by
actions and patterns of others.

So I scream back.

“I want to go!”

But my character is strong,
and I am toppled by its persistence.

So instead I whimper.
“But I want to go.”

As my character pushes me,
out of my youth.


At May 11, 2005 at 7:41 PM, Blogger isaiah said...

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At May 11, 2005 at 7:43 PM, Blogger isaiah said...

"Sun, Wind, Water, Time"... erodes all things except the capacity of the heart for compassion and the will to love and be loved. I like how you use these four words to convey the aging process (for what is time but a concept.)

"Like tic-tac-toe
I can only win by
actions and patterns of others."

Great comparisons, first you say “like tug of war…back and forth”, but this isn’t quite right (for the emerging you) so it says “like tic-tac-toe”…it’s a game to be played, but look how you judge if you ‘win’… “by actions”, and you go further to include “patterns” (of deceptions?) which is much trickier and confusing than mere ‘back and forth’.

Wonderful poem, very descriptive of your emerging from youth into adult-ness and the in betweens when slipping leaves one confused and disillusioned at times. Stay young at heart and you’ll never grow into old-ness.

You write with such grace and as an ‘old soul’.

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